ASM Interview: Dancer & Choreographer Shane Sparks – page 3

Shane Sparks

Shane SparksASM: What have you learned from your experience on the show?

Sparks: I learned that there are millions and millions of people who share the same love for dance that I do. I have so much respect for all styles of dance now. Before the show, if it wasn’t hip-hop, I didn’t care for it, but now I love them all!

Shane SparksASM: What have you learned from your experience on the show?

Sparks: I learned that there are millions and millions of people who share the same love for dance that I do. I have so much respect for all styles of dance now. Before the show, if it wasn’t hip-hop, I didn’t care for it, but now I love them all!

ASM: Talk about Bryan Gaynor and that experience from the show. Do you have plans to work together in the future?

Sparks: Bryan is an angel. He has more talent in his left pinky than most people I know. I can’t wait to introduce him to the world. He is going to change so many lives of people with disabilities. We will be working on a movie called ‘Backdown,’ produced by Chris Stokes, the producer of the hit, ‘You Got Served.’

ASM: What was your experience like working with The Pulse?

Sparks: The Pulse is the best dance convention ever! They treat you like a God! The kids are on fire, and I love it.

ASM: In addition to your dance skills, you’ve also become quite a fashion icon. Tell me about your trademark hats and fashion line.

Sparks: I wear hats all the time, so it’s become my trademark. A friend by the name of Mallory came to me and said, ‘You should be wearing your own hats,’ and that’s how it all got started. Now I have hats, T-shirts, posters, and soon I will have jeans and belts and chains with my logo on them.

ASM: What are some of the projects that you have upcoming in the future?

Sparks: I have a shoe deal with Block to create my own shoe; I am working on two films, ‘Backdown,’ and a clogging movie that I am so excited about. It is a clogging movie, and it’s going to change the world of dance for the cloggers. I’m choreographing the Orange Bowl halftime show this year, and that’s going to be insane. There are more projects on the horizon…It’s going to be a crazy year for me, but I’m ready!

ASM: Obviously, you already have a lot of projects in place. What other goals and aspirations do you have for the future?

Sparks: I have one goal as of now, and that’s to change the world of dance. I want dancers to get the same respect as an artist or an actress. We work so hard and are rarely appreciated for it. I want dancers to be able to make a secure living off of dancing.

For more information on Shane Sparks, be sure to visit his official Web site —