ASM Interview: Marcellas Reynolds, ‘Big Brother’

Marcellas Reynolds, pictures, picture, photos, photo, pics, pic, images, image, latest, new, interviews, Big BrotherCBS is gearing up for another season of “Big Brother” and this time it is up to America to vote on who should be in the house. Starting on July 6, the ever popular and scandalous reality show will run all summer long and end with one final houseguest winning $500,000.

We caught up with “Big Brother: Season 3” star Marcellas Reynolds, one of the most popular players ever, to ask him about his experience on the show, as well as his high hopes for winning “Big Brother 7: All-Stars.” Read what the celebrity stylist has to say and then head to to cast your vote!

ASM: How did you first hear about “Big Brother?”

Reynolds: I’d never watched the show or even heard about it. A friend was working in the Shapiro/Groedner offices on another show they produced called “Flipped” for MTV. After Arnold and Alison and the casting team reviewed all the tapes, they felt they still didn’t have a strong male, African-American contender. They asked all their friends and employees if they knew anyone and Nikki (my friend) suggested and called me. The rest as they say is history!

ASM: What were your main reason(s) for wanting to get involved with the show?

Reynolds: I chose to do Season 3 because the guy I was dating cheated on me with a guy from the “Real World!” I did “Big Brother” thinking I’d get him back (I did, but didn’t want him)! I love the show! It’s now one of my favorites. It’s also a huge part of my life. It changed it. It’s almost like before and after. I have to be a part of All Stars!

ASM: How was your experience on the show different from what you thought it would be like?

Reynolds: I had no idea what to expect. It was unlike any experience I’ve ever had. I’ve always lived my life really openly and trustingly. I always thought people were basically good. I never knew how far people would go to win money. That was the biggest surprise. But don’t get me wrong, it was a blast. So fun…like summer camp for adults!

ASM: What was the most challenging part of being on the show?

Reynolds: The bathroom cameras! So gross! It’s really hard to go potty when you know you’re being watched! Also, having to talk to the same 11 people day in and day out. There are only so many times you can hear the same stories.

ASM: Why did you decide to pursue a life in “Hollywood” after being on the show? What sacrifices did you have to make and what did you have to leave behind in order to do so?

Reynolds: Honestly, it was just a continuation of my life before “Big Brother.” I was modeling in New York and Chicago. I was trying to transition out of that into fashion styling. My major in college was theatre, so I always wanted to be in entertainment. Doing “Big Brother” just opened more doors for me and helped me find focus. It’s been easy. I’m blessed and very grateful. I’ve lived all over the world and now I live in Hollywood. I love it here. I just miss my friends and family in Chicago.

ASM: What has life been like after the show?

Reynolds: Amazing! I don’t think you ever get used to being recognized. It’s always strange when I’m walking down the street and someone yells my name. The other day I got to ride the bus for free because the driver knew me. It has its perks! LOL! There have been bad moments. A lot of people think I’m stupid for trusting my alliance BB3. There’s a lot of hate in the world. I get homophobic and racist hate mail. That part is not so nice.

ASM: What are you working on currently? What are your goals?

Reynolds: I’m not working on anything right now. Once I decided to do “Big Brother” (against my agent and managers wishes) — I cleared the decks. I don’t wanna be distracted by anything else. I want to go in that house and compete. I want to make smart choices. I want to not look stupid. I want to have a laugh. But more than anything else, I want to win “Big Brother All Stars.”

ASM: Do you think the second time around will be different?

Reynolds: I think this will be like “Big Brother” on steroids. I think people will lie more, cheat more and do whatever it takes to make an impact (for the viewers) and win the $500,000. It’s going to be a blood bath.

ASM: What’s the bigger picture? What’s the point? Is there more to “Big Brother” than a group of people living together and playing games? Can we learn something from all of this?

Reynolds: I think “Big Brother” is an amazing sociological experiment. It has really profound messages about how people interact, group together and live together. Take my season; I was the outcast because I was the most different house guest. I was African-American and gay! I had to fight to stay in the game. But once the HGs took a moment to really get to know me, they liked me. Season 6 was an amazing microcosm of what is happening right now in America and the world. Look at how some of the HGs responded to the Iraqi-American contestant. That was riveting! And let’s not forget the power of the hot guys and girls running around half-naked.

ASM: Do you have any final words for our audience?

Reynolds: Gosh…I just wanna take this moment to beg you to vote for me. Not just to get into the house, but while I’m there. This season is going to have more viewer involvement than any other. Vote long, vote hard, vote often…vote Marcellas!

For more information on Marcellas, be sure to check out his official Web site —