Leighton Meester Dishes on Boyfriends, New Album

Leighton MeesterHOLLYWOOD, Calif. — When it comes to love, Leighton Meester has experienced her fair share of horrible relationships.

“Honestly, I’ve hated every boyfriend I’ve had,” the 23-year-old actress tells British Glamour for its December issue.

While Leester likely wasn’t speaking about her current beau, Gossip Girl co-star Sebastian Stan, she can certainly admit to being cautious when it comes to dating.

“I always resist falling in love,” she admits. “My problem is, I lose interest. Every time I’ve fallen in love, it’s just momentary.”

Meester does say there’s a positive to all the heartbreak she’s endured, mainly in the form of material for her debut album, which has yet to have a release date finalized.

“A lot of inspiration comes from my own life, because that’s what I know,” she says of her music career. “I draw from past relationships and really sh—y ones.”

Also see: Leighton Meester Pictures