HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Jessica Simpson is slamming Howard Stern after the shock jock told listeners that Oscar nominee Gabourey Sidibe was finished in Hollywood because of her weight.
“I’m actually surprised somebody had the cojones to say that,” the 29-year-old star told E! News. “I just think that’s really disrespectful.”
“It’s unfortunate because she walked the red carpet at the Oscars and she owned it,” Simpson added of the Precious star. “She was beautiful. There was no denying that she did not think she was the most beautiful person on that red carpet. She was just owning that moment for herself. She had such confidence and I absolutely 100 percent think she could get anything in the world that she wants.”
Simpson was targeted in the infamous “mom jeans” controversy that erupted last year when tabloids accused her of being overweight. She tells E! that she felt “stripped of everything” at the time, but now feels the need to fight back.
“I don’t care how harsh the criticism is, you’re not going to take me down,” she explained. “I’m going to get back up and fight. I’m not going to let anybody’s opinions destroy me.”
Simpson, who stars in the upcoming VH1 reality series The Price of Beauty, also said she has grown to love her “curves.”
“I can’t get rid of them,” she said. “There ain’t no getting rid of them. At this point, I just celebrate them…I’m a healthy girl. I work out. I box. I try to eat right. I still like my corn dogs, my burgers and my onion rings. I can’t help it. Just as long as I feel good about myself and if I feel healthy, I feel beautiful.”
So when does Simpson feel the sexiest?
“I feel most beautiful when I am in my bathtub, listening to Sade,” she said. “I also feel beautiful when I laugh and when I’m with my friends and I just have a T-shirt and booty shorts on … with my heels on, of course.”
Also see: Jessica Simpson Pics