CMT Edits out Shania’s Awards Show Fall in Replays

Shania Twain, pictures, picture, photos, photo, pics, pic, images, image, hot, sexy, latest, new, 2011NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Shania Twain’s stumble during the CMT Music Awards show is being edited out of replays to save her from more embarrassment.

Twain slipped and fell on her way to the stage Wednesday night during a live telecast. The channel left the spill out of a replay following the show and during another replay Thursday.

John Hamlin, the show’s executive producer, says the last thing the channel wants to do is embarrass anyone, particularly someone as gracious as Twain.

While CMT edited out the fall, footage of it aired on cable news channels and was available on the Internet.

Twain said via her Twitter account that she was not hurt, except for a sore thumb.

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