Jessica Biel: Marriage ‘Sounds Groovy’

Jessica Biel

Jessica Biel

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — While she’s content to be single, Jessica Biel says the thought of marriage does have a certain appeal to her.

Jessica Biel

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — While she’s content to be single, Jessica Biel says the thought of marriage does have a certain appeal to her.

“You know, the actual idea of signing those papers and doing all this stuff about it, I’ve never been someone who’s like, ‘I have to, have to, have to have it,'” the 26-year-old actress reveals in the August issue of Harper’s Bazaar. “But the idea of being with somebody I care about, who’s my soul mate, that sounds groovy.”

Whether that soul mate is her current beau, singer Justin Timberlake, remains to be seen. What is certain is Biel has a well-thought out picture of her future in mind.

“It’s something that I feel is a rite of passage as a woman,” the Boulder, Colo. native says of motherhood. “I think when you make a decision to have a family and children, everything else comes second. But if I choose to have a family, I would hope to create a balance, because I don’t want to lose my sense of identity, my career, and my independence.”

“Why can’t I have both? Why can’t I have everything? So many women do it,” she adds.

Biel, who rose to fame on the family drama “7th Heaven,” says her career is something she’s dreamed of for as long as she can remember.

“I had a mission as a kid,” she explains. “I don’t know how and I don’t know why, but I was just one of those kids who begged and begged. ‘Take me to this commercial-acting class.’ ‘Take me to this play.’ ‘Take me to this audition.’ And my parents just supported it.”

Biel also credits her family for her bombshell body, thanking her mom for the long line of male admirers in her current life.

“I am the shape that I am,” she says. “I feel no shame in it, you know what I mean? My mother always made me feel just great the way I was.”

She’ll display her body in the upcoming film “Powder Blue,” in which she stars as a single-mother working as a stripper. It’s a role that perhaps she wouldn’t have felt up for at one time in her life.

“I felt for a long time that I wasn’t ballsy enough. Not cool enough. Not strong enough. Too much of a pushover,” the small-town girl says. “But at this point in my life, I’m so thankful for the values that I had growing up, and I don’t care about that stuff anymore.”

“I’m not going to be the coolest or the most ballsy,” Biel continues. “And I’m not going to be the most outspoken, and, guess what, that’s cool. That’s okay.”

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