Liya Kebede Pictures: Liya Kebede arrives on the red carpet at Time Magazine's "100 Most Influential People in the World Gala" held at the Time Warner Center on May 4, 2010 in New York City.
"The Time 100 is not about the influence of power but the power of influence," explains the magazine's editor, Richard Stengel. "Some of the people you'll encounter on this list are influential in the traditional sense — heads of state like Barack Obama, corporate leaders like Robin Li, CEO of the Chinese search-engine company Baidu. But we also seek out people whose ideas and actions are revolutionizing their fields and transforming lives — like Matt Berg, who is using text-messaging technology to improve community health monitoring in Africa, and Rahul Singh, whose organization GlobalMedic was among the first on the ground after January's Haiti earthquake, providing millions of gallons of water to those most in need. You might not have heard their names before, but their innovations and efforts will help change the world for years to come."
Picture copyright: Sylvain Gaboury / PR Photos
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