Janita’s Journey to Stardom – page 3

Janita, pictures, picture, photos, photo, pics, pic, images, image, hot, sexy, music, artist, singer, albums, songs, lyrics, Seasons of Life, interviewsSo, Janita decided to use what was left of the money that she had received from her Sony settlement to record and produce her next album independently. She worked with Tomi Sachary, a long-time friend and music partner, and wrote all of her own lyrics. And in 2001, Janita released her debut album in the U.S., “I’ll Be Fine.”

Great reviews helped get her music noticed in both the UK and the U.S., where the single “Gavin” reached top-40 in the smooth jazz format. She was scheduled to do interviews with several magazines and appear on multiple national television shows, but then 9/11 struck.

After the terrorist attacks, Janita’s press tour was bumped as the country’s attention turned elsewhere. “I didn’t feel bad because of my career — nobody cared at that point about a career. This was something that was totally unpredictable,” Janita says.

Despite the continued hardships, Janita preserved, determined to share her music with the world. And in 2005, she finally got her break. Arnie Holland, the president of Lightyear Entertainment, happened to catch Janita’s performance at the renowned “Bitter End” in New York City. He soon signed Janita to his label.

“I had been waiting so long for something like that to happen,” Janita recalls with excitement.

After 10 years of hard work and determination, Janita finally had the opportunity to complete the album of her dreams. “Seasons of Life,” which was released on May 16, is a compilation of honest, soulful, sensual music that comes directly from Janita’s open heart and honest soul.

When asked to describe her new release, Janita offers, “The album is a blend of pop, jazz and Brazilian flavor. There is definitely Janita, pictures, picture, photos, photo, pics, pic, images, image, hot, sexy, music, artist, singer, albums, songs, lyrics, Seasons of Life, interviewssome sensuality with my lyrics. People can relate to them. They’re enticing.”

Overall, “Seasons of Life” offers sensual, soulful music with an eclectic beat. The album truly is the product of one beautiful, talented, young woman’s up-hill battle for success in this land of opportunity. After such a long and challenging journey, Janita confesses that she finally finds herself at peace with both her music and career.

“I feel like I’m just starting out,” she expresses. “I’m looking forward to seeing the world and playing some music for a while. I guess I’ll just have to see what’s to come.

“I feel very lucky, and I’m very thankful. I try not to take anything for granted. Fame is something I have never really craved. Fame doesn’t drive me. Music drives me.”

For more information on Janita, be sure to visit her official Web site — www.janita.com