Video: Billy Bob Thornton’s Bizarre Boxmasters CBC Radio Interview

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Whether it was a lack or sleep or he simply wanted to one-up fellow actor-turned-musician Joaquin Phoenix, Billy Bob Thornton was in top form on Canada’s public CBC Radio.

During an interview early Wednesday morning to promote his band, the Boxmasters, Thornton was both dazed and confused when it came to answering host Jian Ghomeshi’s questions.

The 53-year-old Thornton wasted little time on the weird side as the first question tossed his way inquired about when the band formed.

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Whether it was a lack or sleep or he simply wanted to one-up fellow actor-turned-musician Joaquin Phoenix, Billy Bob Thornton was in top form on Canada’s public CBC Radio.

During an interview early Wednesday morning to promote his band, the Boxmasters, Thornton was both dazed and confused when it came to answering host Jian Ghomeshi’s questions.

The 53-year-old Thornton wasted little time on the weird side as the first question tossed his way inquired about when the band formed.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” replied Thornton, perhaps still in character from “Sling Blade.”

Hard as it is to believe, things only went down from there.
