Patrick Swayze Checks Into Hospital with Pneumonia


LOS ANGELES — Patrick Swayze has checked into the hospital for observation after contracting pneumonia, The Associated Press reports.

A&E President Abbe Raven made the announcement on Friday at a press event for the Television Critics Association in Los Angeles, where Swayze was scheduled to discuss his upcoming drama, “The Beast.” Fellow A&E executive, Robert DeBitetto, told the audience that the 56-year-old star hopes to be back on his feet soon.

“Patrick has asked that I tell you that this morning he checked himself into the hospital for observation,” said DeBitetto, A&E’s programming senior vice president. “Chemotherapy can take its toll on the immune system, and illnesses are a part of that. Patrick wishes me to tell you that he’s very sorry he cannot attend, but plans to get back to promoting `The Beast’ soon.”

In an interview with ABC’s Barbara Walters that aired last week, Swayze admitted that he’s been “going through hell” since being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last January.

“There’s a lot of fear here,” said Swayze. “There’s a lot of stuff going on. Yeah, I’m scared. Yeah, I’m angry. Yeah, I’m [asking] why me. Yeah, I’m all this stuff.”

Despite his illness, Swayze spent five months last year shooting “The Beast,” which is scheduled to begin airing Jan. 15.

“I think everybody thought I was out of my mind, you know, thinking I’m gonna pull off a TV show,” Swayze told Walters.

Swayze’s co-workers had nothing but praise for the actor at Friday’s TCA event.

“[He’s] been an absolute inspiration, he’s an amazing guy,” “Beast” co-star Travis Fimmel told People. “He makes the little things seem not important.” 

“There’s a tremendous amount of respect going on,” added the show’s creator, Bill Rotko.