Rihanna Will Testify Against Chris Brown in Assault Case


LOS ANGELES — Rihanna has been called to take the stand and will testify against her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown, who is accused of beating her in the early morning hours prior to February’s Grammy Awards.

“By prearrangement with the District Attorney, Rihanna was served Tuesday June 9, 2009, at my office with a subpoena to appear at the preliminary hearing, scheduled for June 22, 2009,” her attorney, Donald Etra, tells Entertainment Tonight. “If that hearing does go forward, Rihanna will appear and will answer all questions posed to her by the District Attorney and Mark Geragos, Chris Brown’s lawyer.”

In April, the 20-year-old Brown pleaded not guilty to the two felony charges against him — assault and making criminal threats. Shortly thereafter, his attorney, Mark Geragos, was granted a delay in the case by L.A. Superior Court Judge Patricia Schnegg. Geragos has been using the time to look into the police photo that was leaked shortly after Brown’s arrest. The graphic shot appeared to be of a bruised-up Rihanna and Geragos told E! News that he will seek to have the case dismissed if the leak came from within.

“The leaks can form the basis for a motion to dismiss the case in regards to outrageous governmental misconduct,” said Geragos.

In other Rihanna news, the 21-year-old star hit the town Wednesday night with Fergie and the rest of the Black Eyed Peas for the group’s official CD release party at The Griffin in New York City. Rihanna’s was joined by her rumored new boyfriend, Canadian rapper Aubrey “Drake” Graham.