Dr. Arnold Klein Denies He’s the Father of Michael Jackson’s Kids


LOS ANGELES — Dr. Arnold Klein has denied that he is the father of Michael Jackson’s three kids, but that hasn’t stopped the rumor mill.

The Beverly Hills doctor appeared on Wednesday’s “Good Morning America,” where he was asked about ongoing rumors linking him as the biological father of Jackson’s three kids, Prince Michael, 12, Paris Katherine, 11, and Prince Michael II (Blanket), 7. Klein’s denial to the question certainly did little to put the rumors to bed.

“To the best of my knowledge, I am not the father of these children,” he told ABC’s Diane Sawyer. “But I am telling you, if push comes to shove, I can’t say anything about.”

“I can’t answer it in any other way,” he continued. “I don’t want to feed any of this insanity that is going around.”

Jackson met his ex-wife, Debbie Rowe, in Klein’s office, where she worked for 23 years. Rowe is the mother of Jackson’s two oldest children and it has been rumored that Klein fathered all three of the entertainer’s kids. While he denied the allegations, Klein did recall one Christmas Eve that he spent with Jackson and the children.

“The kids were so very happy and so beautiful,” he said. “Every time they would pass their father they would say, ‘I love you Daddy.’ “

Jackson died on June 25 at the age of 50 and his cause of death has yet to be determined. With toxicology results still at least a week away, investigators are currently looking into whether prescription drugs may have played a part in Jackson’s death. Officials removed several prescription drugs from the home Jackson was renting at the time of his death and there have been reports that his arms showed signs of intravenous drug use.

Klein addressed reports that the singer’s death was caused by the use of Propofol, an extremely powerful drug also known as Diprivan. The dermatologist said he never prescribed the drug to Jackson and said he is “not one of the doctors” being questioned about Jackson’s alleged drug use.

“I didn’t give him this crap they are talking about,” said Klein. “I’ve never prescribed Oxycontin in my life. How am I going to prescribe Diprivan when I don’t understand how to use it?”

Klein admitted that he often worried about Jackson abusing prescription drugs, because “no matter what he wanted, someone would give it to him.”

Klein said he saw Jackson in his office just three days before his death.

“He was not in terrible pain when I saw him. He danced in the office, and he danced for my patients,” said Klein. “He was very muscular, and he was very, very happy and dancing.”

“I saw nothing at that point that would make me worry whatsoever,” he continued. “But I was always concerned about him because I was always worried about other doctors.”

Also see:

Dr. Arnold Klein “Good Morning America” Video

Michael Jackson Memorial Service Videos