Sheriff: Balloon Boy Saga Was Hoax, Charges Looming


DENVER — The balloon boy saga was nothing but a bunch of hot air.

Richard and Mayumi Heene, the Colorado parents who claimed their 6-year-old son Falcon had floated off Thursday in a flying saucer-like helium balloon, made up the entire story up as a publicity stunt, Larimer County Sheriff Jim Alderden revealed Sunday at a news conference.

“It has been determined that this is a hoax,” the sheriff said. “It was a publicity stunt done with hopes of better maneuvering themselves for a reality TV show.”

While no charges have been filed against the Heenes, Alderden said they are under investigation for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, attempt to influence a public official and providing false information to authorities. They face up to six years in prison and a fine of as much as $500,000 on each of two felony counts. Alderden noted, however, that it was “unlikely” the couple would face jail time.

Authorities also plan to recommend a charge of filing a false police report, which is a misdemeanor.

The Heenes, who have previously appeared on the ABC program “Wife Swap,” have been reportedly pitching networks to star in their own reality show.

“Needless to say they put on a very good show for us and we bought it,” Alderden admitted.

The couple’s story quickly unraveled in the hours after Falcon was said to be alive and well. The Heenes appeared on CNN, where Falcon was asked why he was hiding in the attic the whole time.

“You guys said we did this for the show,” the little boy responded.

Alderden said he knew at that point the family had lied, but he wanted to keep their trust — hence why he told the media the following day that he still believed their story.

On Saturday, authorities re-interviewed the Heenes, which lead to a warrant to search their house.

One question still needing to be answered is the location of Falcon during Thursday’s massive search.

“The biggest error we made is when we searched the house, very clearly we didn’t search the house as thoroughly as we should,” Alderden said.

Who had the worst week, the Heene family or Rush Limbaugh? Click here to vote in our watercooler poll.