The DWTS Diet Plan!


Celebrities have been known to drop some major weight on Dancing With the Stars — hello Kirstie Alley — and this season the stars and pros alike are getting some extra help from Freshology’s GetSlim With the Stars, to transform their bodies fast!

The GetSlim program, used by super-fit stars like Mario Lopez, is a five-star, all-natural home delivery food program, designed to help you lose weight fast! Mario says, “What I like about Freshology is that it applies the same principles as my books, Extra Lean and Extra Lean Family, which is having a healthy balance of protein, fat and carbs in every meal. It helps you eat frequently through the day, and helps you practice portion control. And the meals are delicious!”

Meal plans provide portions that keep your daily calories between 1,600-2,000 a day, and include yummy options like vanilla crepes, angus beef sliders, and chocolate cheesecake to name a few. Chaz Bono told In Touch, “Dancing With the Stars has really forced me to look at my health a little differently, and I feel really great right now. Between the five hours a day of rehearsals and an all-natural meal program by Freshology that I’ve really been enjoying, I’m down over 10 pounds and plan to continue the journey… whether I’m dancing or not.”

With the cast looking so fit, it’s no wonder they enjoy the meal program!