Kevin Bacon Won’t Go See The New Footloose!


The movie Footloose shot a young Kevin Bacon to international stardom, but don’t expect him to see the remake!

In 1984, the actor made the world fall in love with his dance moves and handsome face and now the producers of the remake starring Kenny Wormald and Julianne Hough are trying to strike gold again. The 53-year-old Kevin Bacon has remained distant from the publicity for the new film, and now In Touch can reveal that he has no plans to see the film. When we asked Kevin’s wife, Kyra Sedgwick, at the 2011 Environmental Media Awards on October 15 if she and Kevin planned on seeing the revamped version, she quickly replied, “I don’t think so; it’s not on the list.” The actress added, “I didn’t watch it until five or six years after it came out on DVD or whatever, VHS at the time.”

Kevin (@kevinbacon) also took to his Twitter to express frustration with advertisements for the recently released flick. “Just saw a TV ad for FLoose. Marketing a remake by putting down the orig? A bit lame dont ya think?”

It’s safe to say just like his character in the movie, Kevin continues to shakes things up in more ways than one.

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