Life Cut Tragically Short, River Phoenix’s Final Screen Moments To Be Revealed

A brilliant young talent whose life was tragically cut short, River Phoenix’s final film will finally be seen by public eyes.

The Oscar-nominated Phoenix was filming “Dark Blood” when he died of a heart attack after an apparent drug overdose, ending an already prolific career at age 23. The film, in which he was starring as a hermit living at a nuclear test site, waiting for the end of the world, was kept hidden by its director, George Sluizer, for fear that the footage would be confiscated and destroyed.

Now, according to The Hollywood Reporter, Sluizer is plans on finishing the film by recutting that footage and asking River’s brother, Joaquin Phoenix, to provide missing voice work.

The young actor was a talent on the rise; he had already earned an Oscar nod for his work in “Running on Empty,” playing for Sidney Lumet the son of parents on the run. and had made seminal films such as “Stand By Me” and “My Own Private Idaho.” He also starred as a young Indiana Jones. His career began in 1982, in the TV show, “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers,” and then in TV movies, including one in which he played a dyslexic boy. In 1985, he played Robert Kennedy Jr. in the TV miniseries “Robert Kennedy and His Times.”

For more, click over to The Hollywood Reporter.