A Day Out With Unforgettable’s Poppy Montgomery and Dylan Walsh

Poppy Montgomery and Dylan Walsh | Photo Credits: Jeffrey R. Staab/CBS

Poppy Montgomery and Dylan Walsh are good sports. By the time the leads of CBS’ new hit procedural Unforgettable arrive to scope out a late-afternoon Mets batting practice at Citi Field, they’ve already been filming since 9am — and when the MLB team takes the field later that evening for a home game, they’ll be long gone, back to work at the show’s nearby Queens studio. Luckily, those demanding days are paying off: The drama about a woman who uses her superhuman memory to help her cop ex-boyfriend solve crimes premiered last month to 14 million viewers, and the TV vets playing Carrie Wells and Al Burns are determined to keep knocking it out of the park — while cracking each other up in the process.

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