Book Publishers to Casey Anthony: HELL NO!

Filed under: Casey Anthony, Celebrity Justice

The NBC producer trying to score a book deal for Casey Anthony may be S.O.L. … because the biggest names in the publishing biz tell TMZ … they want absolutely NOTHING to do with tot mom.

We broke the story … an NBC news producer has contacted literary agents and told them Casey has agreed to do a TV interview with the network if he can lock up a book deal.

But according to the three publishing powerhouses — that ain’t happening … just check out the statements we received regarding a possible Casey Anthony publishing deal:

Simon and Schuster: 
“We are 100% not interested.  We are NOT NOT NOT  interested. Simon
& Schuster is not publishing, and has never intended to publish, any
book by Casey Anthony, her family, or any member of her team.

Harper Collins: “We are planning on publishing the Prosecutor’s book who was involved in the Casey Anthony case, so we have no plans in releasing a Casey Anthony book.  We’re sticking with the prosecutor.”

Penguin Group:  “We have no plans on doing a book deal with Casey Anthony.”

Another publisher went so far as to say, “Hell no … it’s blood money.”

So, we gotta ask …
