30 Days of Giving & Receiving: Cesar Milan’s Furry Friend Gift Guide (PHOTOS)

Celebuzz‘s 30 Days of Giving & Receiving is well on its way — and today, celebrity dog trainer Cesar Milan gives us favorite holiday memories and his top picks for your furry friends.

For Milan, the holiday season is a big deal that extends past December 25th, as his family celebrated well into the new year.

“In our family, January 6 (Epiphany, or El Día de los Reyes) was even bigger,” he says.

As a child, Milan’s Christmas tree and lights weren’t that elaborate — just a six-foot faux tree with a few ornaments and two strands of lights. But, the nativity scenes set up by his father were another story.

“In Spanish, we call them ‘nacimientos,’” says Milan. “They showed his incredible attention to detail, something I inherited from him. One year he even used a mirror to simulate a lake.”

So how does Milan spend his holidays?

“Sometimes, we would go down to Mazatlan and eat bananas and pumpkin with honey on it and drink milk, then walk through the city to look at the nacimientos set up everywhere,” he told us.

As gift-giving is also a crucial part of Milan’s festive celebrations, see what Milan is giving to man’s best friend this year in the gallery — above. 

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