Jon Gosselin Says Missing $230K Has Been Returned to Joint Account

Jon Gosselin

Kate GosselinHOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Jon Gosselin says he has complied with a court order to return the $230,000 he swiped from a joint account he shares with his soon-to-be ex-wife.

The reality TV star told the Associated Press that the money has been returned in full, but said he was disappointed that his estranged wife Kate Gosselin did not appear at Monday’s court hearing in Norristown, Pa.

Jon also said that Kate has yet to account for how she spent $33,000 in cash withdrawals.

Another hearing on the matter has been scheduled for November.

Earlier this month, Kate accused Jon of taking the money from the account, leaving her unable to pay household bills. A Pennsylvania judge ordered Jon to fork over the cash by Oct. 26 or face potential contempt charges. In turn, Kate was required to provide a detailed list of her expenses by the next court date.

The latest feud between the couple began shortly after TLC announced plans to focus solely on Kate and rebrand their reality series to “Kate Plus 8.”