Actor Peter Fonda is 70. Singer-musician Johnny Winter is 66. Country-rock musician Rusty Young is 64. Actress Patricia Richardson is 59. Rock musician Brad Whitford (Aerosmith) is 58. Singer Howard Jones is 55. Rock musician Michael Wilton (Queensryche) is 48. Country singer Dusty Drake is 46. Actress Kristin Davis is 45. Tennis star Helena Sukova is 45. Actor Marc Price is 42. Actress Niecy Nash is 40. Rock musician Jeff Beres (Sister Hazel) is 39. Country singer Steve Holy is 38. Rock musician Lars-Olof Johansson (The Cardigans) is 37. Actress Emily Blunt is 27. Actor Aziz Ansari is 27. Actress Dakota Fanning is 16.
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