Amazing Race’s Elliot and Andrew: We Knew We’re Better Than That

Elliot and Andrew | Photo Credits: Robert Voets/CBS

If Elliot and Andrew Weber had a redo, they would tackle The Amazing Race‘s Paraguay leg completely differently. After toiling at the harp-stringing Detour for hours, the twins wound up slightly ahead of Vanessa and Ralph — who slaved away themselves at the watermelon-stacking option — at the Roadblock. But the bottle-balancing task proved too difficult for Elliot, the front man of the music group Enova, to handle. “I probably have better balance than he does, especially with things on my head,” Andrew, a goalkeeper for MLS’ Seattle Sounders, tells “Should I have done it? Maybe, but at the time, neither of us knew [from the clue] what the task was.” Find out why Elliot took the Roadblock, why they had such a hard time with the harp and more.

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