NEW ORLEANS, La. — Don’t be surprised if Ludacris comes knocking on your door to find out if you’ve returned your 2010 census forms.
The 32-year-old star has been making the rounds on behalf of the U.S. Census bureau, most recently hitting up homes in New Orleans. Ludacris said it was particularly important that residents in the Hurricane Katrina ravaged town returned their forms.
"I hope people in this neighborhood know that resources from the Census will go toward rebuilding New Orleans," the rapper-actor tells his guide Gretchen Bradford, a homeowner on the block. "I am counting on you to spread the word to people in the community."
The census is prohibited from sharing information that could identify individuals, including with other federal agencies or law enforcement — a point Ludacris attempted to get across to residents.
Census workers also take an oath, swearing for life to protect the confidentiality of data, with a possible five years in prison for breaching that trust.