Jason Wahler Pleads Guilty to DUI

Jason Wahler, DUI, arrest, arrested, pictures, picture, photos, photo, pics, pic, images, image, hot, sexy, latest, new, 2010NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. — Jason Wahler was sentenced to three years probation on Monday after pleading guilty to drunk driving.

Wahler, 23, was also ordered to spend to two days in county jail and three months in a first-offender alcohol program.

The former Hills star was taken into custody in Newport Beach, Calif. on March 19 after police saw him make an abrupt turn and stop in a traffic lane. His blood alcohol level was allegedly .19% at the time of his arrest.

The DUI was at least the sixth alcohol-related arrest for Wahler in recent years.

"I am very, very ashamed of everything," Wahler recently told Us Weekly. "I am very sorry for everything that’s happened."