40 Of Carey Mulligan’s Most Adorable Hair & Makeup Looks

Carey Mulligan may not be as flashy on the red carpet as some of her Hollywood counterparts, but this actress is no wallflower.

Since her major film debut in “Pride & Prejudice” as the giggly character Kitty Bennet and her recent turn as Daisy Buchanan in the 2013 remake of “The Great Gatsby,” Mulligan has proven that she is definitely one to watch on the big screen. Naturally, she has also caught our eye with her ladylike style and that polished pixie.

Even though the English beauty has become widely recognized for her signature blonde crop, she has dabbled with different hair lengths and colors over the years. (She’s now brunette! A bold move we’d like to think she made for her latest role in the upcoming movie “Suffragette.”) However, Mulligan’s makeup is usually soft and pretty, save for the occasional smokey eye or bold red lip.

No matter what look Mulligan is going for, she is a constant source of inspiration. So in honor of her 29th birthday today, we’ve rounded up 40 of her most adorable hair and makeup looks.