Adam Lambert Involved in Paparazzi Scuffle

Adam Lambert, paparazzi, scuffle, Twitter, incident, pictures, picture, photos, photo, pics, pic, images, image, hot, sexy, latest, newMIAMI — Adam Lambert is speaking out after he got into a scuffle Thursday with the paparazzi in Florida.

The incident took place when the 28-year-old singer hit South Beach with some friends.

"Eeew paparazzi killed my peaceful afternoon on the beach!" wrote Lambert on Twitter. "They’re real good at provoking, but there ain’t any pics or video of the b.s. they spew out… Haha well… I lost my temper for a sec but wow it felt great lol MIAMI!!!"

Hours later, Lambert hit up Twitter again after the paparazzi photos hit the Web, creating some embarrassment.

"Hahha the photos are hilarious!!" he said. "Lol please everyone forgive me for that hat – I was attempting a disguise – clearly failed. Hahah."

On Friday, Lambert further downplayed the incident, insisting the only crime committed was a fashion one.

"Battery? Nope. I attempted to grab a camera, no punches were thrown and no one was on the ground…. It was literally harmless," he said. "If embarrassment is a crime – thats all I’m guilty of."

Also see: Adam Lambert Pictures