‘Paranormal Activity 2’ Terrorizes Weekend Box Office ‎

Paranormal Activity 2, movie, pictures, picture, photos, photo, pics, pic, images, image, hot, sexy, latest, new, 2010HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Paranormal Activity 2 terrorized audiences with a $41.5 million debut to easily win the weekend box office, according to studio estimates released Sunday.

The Paramount Pictures film is a follow-up to Oren Peli’s wildly successful supernatural thriller, Paranormal Activity. The sequel bumped last week’s No. 1, Jackass 3D, into second place at $21.6 million.

Coming in third was Summit Entertainment’s action comedy Red, which had ticket sales of $15 million in its second week.

Hereafter ($12 million) and The Social Network ($7.3 million) rounded out the weekend top five.