Friends Offer Support for Demi Lovato in Rehab

Demi Lovato, in, rehab, pictures, picture, photos, photo, pics, pic, images, image, hot, sexy, latest, new, 2010HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Demi Lovato has the full support of her friends and family after entering rehab to address "emotional and physical issues."

"I’m so proud of Demi," Lovato’s Camp Rock co-star Meaghan Martin tells HollyScoop. "I know she is doing the right thing. I think it’s awesome that she did it despite the press she may get."

"She’s a good girl and she will find her way back," adds Martin.

Also coming forward to show support is fellow Disney star Kyle Massey, who calls Lovato a "good girl."

"I really don’t know too much about it, but I do know that Demi is a good friend of mine and whatever is happening, whatever is going on, she’ll still be fine," Massey told Access Hollywood. "She has an amazing family, her mom and dad are awesome dudes, so she’s going to be fine, just give her some time.”

Lovato, 18, quit her Camp Rock tour with the Jonas Brothers over the weekend. Sources tell People that the young starlet sought treatment after getting into a fight with a dancer on the tour.

Also see: Demi Lovato Photos