Video: Oksana Grigorieva Talks Mel Gibson Domestic Violence Case on ‘Larry King Live’

Mel Gibson, Oksana Grigorieva, domestic, violence, case, Larry King, pictures, picture, photos, photo, pics, pic, images, image, hot, sexy, latest, new, 2010HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Oksana Grigorieva has opened up about her ongoing domestic violence case against former boyfriend Mel Gibson.

During an appearance last night on Larry King Live, the Russian singer said she tried to forgive Gibson after the January incident, in which Grigorieva claims the actor assaulted her while she was holding their baby daughter, Lucia.

"I forgave him in a couple of weeks’ time after the first, you know, severe beating that, you know, he struck me twice with his fist and then he was choking me and whilst I was holding Lucia and not protecting myself," she told the host.

Grigorieva also explained why she felt it was necessary to record Gibson’s now famous rants.

"I started taping around 11:00 because I thought, ‘I’m actually not going to live through the night’," she told King. "I wanted my mother to be able to prove that if I’m dead, that this is who did it."