Justin Bieber Continues to Toy With Fangirls’ Emotions With “Naked” Selfie

Is Justin Bieber the world’s biggest troll? Possibly.

After causing a frenzy amongst fanbase by sharing multiple photos of his shirtless body pumping iron at the gym, the singer once again is toying with fangirls’ hearts everywhere by trolling us with more semi-nude — or, maybe, actually naked — pictures.

In Bieber’s latest addition on his Shots account, the 20-year-old goes for a literal crotch shot by snapping a photo of himself at penis level. Given his penchant for saggy pants, Bieber could be wearing bottoms that we can’t see in the revealing selfie. But then again, maybe not.

So, are the pants on or off? It’s the question for the millennial age.

justin bieber naked nude penis shirtless abs selfie
[Photo courtesy of: Justin Bieber/Shots]