Dating Online? What Men Think About Your Makeup

When it comes to dating, more women like to emulate the celebrities that shine on the red carpet to try to get the guy.

In a recent survey by online dating site Zoosk, 1850 male daters were asked to compare photos of Kim Kardashian, Beyonce, Jessica Simpson, and Jennifer Lawrence, with and without makeup.

Surprisingly so, the majority of the guys stated that they preferred Jessica Alba, makeup free (77%) as compared to giving the thumbs up for Kim Kardashian, all glammed up. (23%).

While viewing photos of Jennifer Lawrence made up in American Hustle as compared to a natural look, Zooskers voted in favor of the natural look (54%) as compared to the American Hustle photo with bright red lipstick (46%).

When asked if Jessica Simpson looked better with or without makeup on, 57% of the men preferred her natural look.

So how does this relate to real life dating and the male thoughts on hair and makeup? The survey shows that men prefer a natural look with the women they are dating. Fifty-seven percent of men gave the thumbs down to red lipstick and 67% weren’t fond of dark eye shadow.

When it comes to hairstyle, 81% voted for a relaxed and natural look, with only 9% preferring pin-straight hair. Does this mean it’s time to toss out the flat iron?

Now let’s take a digital look at how men select women while viewing thousands of online dating profiles.

Zoosk’s data shows the complete opposite viewpoint to hair and makeup, where men were dramatically selecting women wearing more makeup, more eye shadow, and more lipstick in their photos.

Here are some numbers worth blinking a digital eye to:

Women who wear eye makeup receive 139% more first messages than women who don’t.

Men are 65% more likely to want to meet a woman if she wears eye makeup in her profile picture.

Women who wear lipstick in their profile photo get 119% more first messages than those who don’t.

Men are 38% more likely to want to meet a woman if she’s wearing lipstick in her profile photo.

Woman wearing blush receive 24% more first messages than those who don’t.

Men are 19% more likely to want to meet a woman if she’s wearing blush than if she’s not.

All in all, women who wore some form of makeup received more than three times as many messages as those who didn’t.

It may not be time to dig out your prom or glamour shots, but taking the extra time to look your best and pucker up with a lip plumper for your dating profile photos, instead of posting the ‘selfie’ from last night’s party, might be a wise idea.

After all, you’re auditioning for the job of a lifetime; possible girlfriend or wife.

Julie Spira is an Online Dating Expert and founder of She was an early adopter of the Internet and has been helping singles on the dating scene for two decades. For more online dating advice, follow @JulieSpira on Twitter and sign up for the free Weekly Flirt newsletter.