This Fish Tank Backpack Will Make You Wish You Were Going Back To School…Kind Of

As much as we love summer, there was always something so exciting about going back to school each year. Our pencils were sharpened, we had perfect outfits picked out, and we always had a brand new backpack to hold very important items…like notebooks and lunch money. These days, however, the two-strapped carry alls have taken on a new life: as fish tanks.


Yes, you read right. Online store Not Just A Label is selling a backpack that you can actually fill up with live fish. The bag, aptly named “Bubble Rucksack” comes complete with acrylic dome casing and adjustable straps.


But catapulting your way to coolest-kid-in-school status will cost you. At about $430, it might be cheaper to just carry around a real fish tank from your local pet shop. And if the backpack is just too weird for your taste, you could always invest in some pencil-pouch converse or lunch themed erasers instead.

Would you wear your fish on your back? Sound off below!

(h/t Bustle)