Like Kim Kardashian, Drake Loves his Blackberry More Than Any iPhone

Like Kim Kardashian, Drake loves his blackberry

In the reigning world of iPhones, Kim Kardashian actually isn’t the only person who still uses the near obsolete Blackberry.

Drake and his crew also use the less popular phone, and if possible, kind of make it seem cool (well, cooler than hoarding several of them for fear of their extinction, like Kim does).

Drake shared his love for the phone on Instagram. 

Thank you Blackberry!!! Still PING squad for life. @ovo40 @getfadedinc @ovomark @morgan_mr

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And if this seems like odd news, then take into account the fact that Drake said he writes all of his songs on his Blackberry! He can’t write out his lyrics on paper, he revealed in his 2010 MTV documentary, “Drake: Better than Good Enough”.

So basically, if the Blackberry does one day die off into irrelevancy and ceases manufacturing, then Drake’s music might too. And we can’t have that happening.

Here’s to hoping Blackberry does let Kim buy the company, forever saving her and Drake’s one and only cellphone love and letting them continue doing what they’re good at (existing, for the former (re: “Can I live?!?!”), and rapping, for the latter).