The Hottest Celebrity Skin Pics of the Week – 1.25.15

Shorty had no apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur! (with the fuuuuurrrr)

Kim Kardashian had all of social media looking at her.

Okay, okay, all jokes aside – can we just say DAYYYUM.

We figured she probably had something up her sleeve for her skii trip but we could have never predicted that a furkini (yes, that’s a thing) would be apart of the mix! But hey, we aren’t complaining.

And anyone who willingly wears a bikini in the snow gets mad props from us because we would probably freeze to death.

This week was especially hot in social media land for all of our most favorite and beautiful stars. Celebrities shed their clothes and taunted us with their amazing bodies once more and once more you can expect to be drooling over the results.

Kendall Jenner made us all want to die with a shameless selfie of her incredible abs, Christina Milian put us to shame with a sexy photoshoot she did, and Miley Cyrus was baring all (as usual) and looking like a BAMF while doing so.

Pretty solid week if you ask us!

And that doesn’t even include Big Sean or Justin Beiber’s ridiculous ab pictures. Can you say helloooo hottness?

To see the full collection, click on the gallery above!

What did you think of this week’s picks? Who was the hottest? Sound off below!