Orange Is the New Black star Lea DeLaria is just as tough as her Netflix character Big Boo. The actress took on a homophobic subway preacher in NYC on Tuesday morning. “Other people believe other things and have every right to believe other things on this planet and in this world,” Lea stated. “We do not have to be force fed this man’s religious beliefs. Jesus never said for you to do this, ever – not anywhere in the Bible.” Lea’s outburst was captured by fellow commuters, which you can watch above.
Sporting a t-shirt that read “Bad Jew,” Lea continued to argue with the man who loudly sermonized to the packed train car, claiming that “America is in trouble today.” Lea retorted “This is not why America’s in trouble . . . Religious fanatics are the reason America’s in trouble . . . You are the reason America’s in trouble.” The man continued his loud proselytizing, mentioning Sodom and Gomorrah and “the sin of homosexuality.” Lea continued to shut him down, eventually leading to his disembarking. We’re guessing he was hoping to find some less assertive listeners.
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