Breaking Hair News: Amber Rose Has the Blues


Let's Get Personal

With Amber Rose's personal assistant…

Hilary Duff, you’ve officially been dethroned in the Blue Hollywood Hair club.

On Sunday (Apr. 5, 2015), Amber Rose gave the world plenty to talk about when she hit the Penthouse nightclub in West Hollywood, Calif.


Clad in a white-hot jumpsuit, the 31-year-old sported a bright shade of blue hair for the outing. This is a dramatic change from her signature bleach blonde look. Here’s Rose just a few days ago:

The blue debut comes just off the heels of Rose publicly declaring that she still has feelings for her ex, Wiz Khalifa. In return, the rapper may or may not have sent a shady subtweet last Friday.

Launch the gallery, above for more photos of Amber Rose and her blue hair.