31 Ways to Update Your Wardrobe Without Buying a Thing

We’re resolving to make 2015 our most stylish year ever, and we want you to join us. For 31 straight days starting Jan. 5, we’re challenging you to embrace a new fashion trick every day using clothes you already have. It may be as simple as adding a belt or a hat, while some days might just push you out of your comfort zone with bold colors or (gasp!) sweatshirts at the office. Are you up for it?

Click through to see the hacks we’ve come up with, and start planning your outfits for the month. Then join us here every day for your styling mission and check out our Instagram page to see how we’re styling ourselves. Most importantly, share your own photos with the hashtag #stylinghacks on Instagram to show us all of your awesome looks in action. And, if by all means if you’re in the mood to shop some new items, we have those, too! Cheers to a very stylish new year.