22 Zayn Malik Selfies That Will Make You Grateful Zayn And His Cheekbones Were Born 22 Years Ago Today

I don’t know about you, but Zayn Malik is feeling 22.

For those of you oblivious to the day’s trending hashtags, such as #ZaynYoureMySuperhero and #ZaynBirthdaySketch, today is Zayn Malik’s birthday. *Cue confetti cannons.*

To celebrate this very important day, we have compiled a list of all the times this member of One Direction assassinated us with his good looks and sharp cheekbones.

1. Ooo hello, Zayn.


Una foto publicada por @niazkilam el

2. Can you say “jawline?” Jawline.

Fresh faced πŸ™‚ cut throat shave

A photo posted by @niazkilam on

3. Zayn caught dinner!

Poppin caps in the water hood ! πŸ˜‰ ha

A photo posted by @niazkilam on

4. #Belfie game strong.


Une photo publiΓ©e par @niazkilam le

5. Zayn the Riveter. #Feminism

we don’t wanna be like them, we can make it ’til the end β€” ❂

Uma foto publicada por niazkilam (@zaynmalik) em

6. OG Zayn.

G chain

A photo posted by @niazkilam on

7. Sunkissed Zayn.

Loving The LA sun πŸ™‚ ha

Una foto pubblicata da @niazkilam in data:

8. Friend to the animals, Zayn.

Meet my tiger πŸ™‚

Kuva, jonka @niazkilam julkaisi

9. Zayn’s cheekbones vs. Harry’s blue eyes.

it’s harry’s birthday! happy 20th birthday @harrystyles !

A photo posted by niazkilam (@zaynmalik) on

10. He #wokeuplikethis.

Lazy Sunday

A photo posted by @niazkilam on

11. Watch out, those razor sharp cheekbones might cut you.

Beard getting long πŸ™‚

A photo posted by @niazkilam on

12. #tbt Zayn.

Ha I’m like 16 πŸ™‚

A photo posted by @niazkilam on

13. Pensive Zayn.

A photo posted by Zayn Malik (@zaynmallk) on

14. Chin strap Zayn.

Number plates πŸ™‚

A photo posted by @niazkilam on

15. Seriously though, do you think he contours?

omg #AMAs

Une photo publiΓ©e par niazkilam (@zaynmalik) le

16. Man-headband Zayn.

Sikk shot πŸ™‚

A photo posted by Zayn Malik (@zaynsta.gram) on

17. Date night Zayn.

Date night πŸ˜€ haha #NightChanges

A photo posted by Zayn Malik (@zaynsta.gram) on

18. “Blah” Zayn.


A photo posted by @niazkilam on

19. Cropped Zayn.

cause it’s true, that’s what I like about you β€” ツ

A photo posted by niazkilam (@zaynmalik) on

20. Fedorable Zayn.

Guess Who’s Back on Instagram!! πŸ™‚ xxx

A photo posted by Zayn Malik (@zaynmallk) on

21. Big Apple Zayn.

Big love to NYC πŸ™‚

A photo posted by @niazkilam on

22. #BreakTheInternet Zayn.

someone is turning 22 on monday… πŸ™‚

A photo posted by niazkilam (@zaynmalik) on

So happy birthday, Zayn! May this year bring you love, happiness, and selfies abound!

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