HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — John Hughes, the beloved director behind such 1980s classics as “Sixteen Candles,” “The Breakfast Club” and “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” died Thursday from a heart attack.
Hughes put together a string of popular movies during the ’80s and ’90s that also included “Mr. Mom,” “Vacation,” “Weird Science,” “Pretty in Pink,” “Planes, Trains & Automobiles,” “Uncle Buck” and the “Home Alone” franchise.
American Superstar Magazine remembers John Hughes with some memorable movie quotes that will forever keep his spirit alive.
Be sure to also share your own favorite memories in the comments section.
Also, click here to vote for your favorite John Hughes movie in our watercooler poll.
“Vacation” Movie Quotes
Ed, the car salesman: Now, I owe it to myself to tell you, Mr. Griswold, that if you are thinking of taking the tribe cross country, this is your automobile. The Wagon Queen Family Truckster. You think you hate it now, but wait till you drive it.
Clark Griswold: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get back on the express way?
Pimp: Fuck yo mama!
Clark Griswold: Thank you very much.
Clark Griswold: Roll ’em up!
Ellen Griswold: [after the bartender shoots at Clark] Clark, I don’t think that was funny. A loud noise like that could damage the kids’ hearing.
Clark Griswold: C’mon, Ellen. It looked real. Hell – I thought it was a real gun. Didn’t you think it was real, honey?
Audrey Griswold: What?
Clark Griswold: I said didn’t you think it was real?
Audrey Griswold: What?
Ellen Griswold: Oh are you happy now Clark? She’s deaf.
Clark Griswold: Oh what the hell – it was fun anyway.
Clark Griswold: Could I do your back, honey?
Ellen Griswold: I’ve already done my back.
Clark Griswold: Could I do your front?
Ellen Griswold: Go do your own front.
Aunt Edna: You’re the ones who sent me the fruitcake for Christmas. It made me so sick!
Ellen Griswold: Oh – we’re sorry. We thought you enjoyed fruitcake.
Aunt Edna: Do you enjoy throwing up every five minutes Claude?
Clark Griswold: Clark.
Aunt Edna: I thought so. Whew! Well am I gonna eat, or am I gonna starve to death?
Cousin Eddie: Hey, you look like you could use a cool one.
Clark Griswold : Now you’re talking!
[Eddie hands Clark his opened beer he’d been drinking, gets a fresh one for himself]
Cousin Eddie: I don’t know why they call this stuff hamburger helper. It does just fine by itself, huh? I like it better than tuna helper myself, don’t you, Clark?
Clark Griswold: You’re the gourmet around here, Eddie.
Clark Griswold: Real tomato ketchup, Eddie?
Cousin Eddie: Oh, nothing but the best.
Rusty Griswold: Hey, ya’ got Pac Man?
Cousin Dale: No.
Rusty Griswold: Ya’ got Space Invaders?
Cousin Dale: Nope.
Rusty Griswold: Ya’ got Asteroids?
Cousin Dale: Naw, but my dad does. Can’t even sit on the toilet some days.
Cousin Vicki: I’m going steady, and I French kiss.
Audrey Griswold: So? Everybody does that.
Cousin Vicki: Yeah, but Daddy says I’m the best at it.
Clark Griswold: So, this is the old homestead, eh?
Cousin Eddie: Yeah. I don’t know for how much longer, though. The banks been after me like flies on a rib roast.
[Clark has just been pulled over by a Colorado motorcycle cop]
Clark Griswold: Hi officer, what’s the problem?
Motorcycle Cop: Get out of the car!
[Clark exits from the car]
Clark Griswold: I don’t think I was speeding. Was I weaving or something?
Motorcycle Cop: Shut your mouth, sir! You know, if I weren’t in uniform, I’d split your skull with the butt of this revolver faster than you can say, “police brutality!”
Clark Griswold: Well whatever I did, I’m sure I can explain…
[the motorcycle cop forcibily takes Clark by the arm and leads him to the rear of the car, which has a dog leash still tied to it]
Motorcycle Cop: Explain this, you son-of-a-bitch!
Clark Griswold: Oh my God…
Motorcycle Cop: Do you know what the penalty for animal cruelty is in this state?
Clark Griswold: No, sir, I don’t.
Motorcycle Cop: Well… it’s probably pretty stiff.
Aunt Edna: I was afraid you’d get pulled over, Clark. You’ve been exeeding the speed limit for thousands of miles!
Rusty Griswold: Dad wasn’t speeding. The cop stopped us because Dad forgot to…
Ellen Griswold: He was speeding, Rusty!
Rusty Griswold: No he wasn’t, Mom. He…
Clark: Rusty! Listen to your mother. I was speeding. I was driving like a maniac. We can all be grateful for this man for stopping us. You see kids…
[the motorcycle cop appears at the car window with the dog leash]
Motorcycle Cop: Here’s the leash, sir. I’m going back to get the rest of the carcass off the road.
Aunt Edna: Is this your idea of a good restaurant? Dog killer!
Rusty Griswold: Wow dad, we must have jumped that rail by like 50 yards.
Clark Griswold: Nothing to be proud of Russ…
[pauses as Rusty walks away]
Clark Griswold: [proudly] … 50 yards…
Clark Griswold: This is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy!
Clark Griswold: [talking about Aunt Edna] She can’t weigh more than 100 pounds.
Ellen Griswold: Oh, no. You can’t just put her on the roof.
Audrey Griswold: Yes, he can!
Clark Griswold: You want me to strap her to the hood? She’ll be fine. It’s not as if it’s going to rain or something.
Ellen Griswold: We’re not really violent people. This is our first gun.
Clark Griswold: No, it isn’t.
Lasky: Has your father ever killed anyone?
Rusty Griswold : Just a dog. Oh and my Aunt Edna.
Clark Griswold: Hey you can’t prove that Russ.
Also see:
The Breakfast Club Movie Quotes