Dear High Heels,
I’m so sorry but I have to break up with you. It’s not you. It’s me. I can’t walk in your shadow anymore. It was just becoming too painful to be with you.
When we first met, I wanted you all the time. It was mad crazy love. You elevated me. You made me walk tall. You made me feel sexy. I loved the way I looked and felt when I was with you. We had so much fun!
But as our relationship progressed, you occasionally hurt me. I know it wasn’t intentional. But it hurt anyway. And it began to happen with increasing frequency. The pain grew over time and it became unbearable. I wondered why I stayed with you when you made me feel so bad.
So I decided to try to get on with my life without you. When I started going out without you, it felt like something was missing. I didn’t feel as confident or as attractive anymore. But over time, I adjusted and sometimes I didn’t even think about you for days. Days turned into weeks. And eventually, the only time you crossed my mind was when I saw you with another woman.
Seeing you with other women made me insanely jealous, I have to admit. But the more I thought about it, the more I remembered how you made me feel towards the end of our relationship. All that pain. You can make other women feel that way if you want, but not me. Not anymore. I’m happier without you.
I am finally adjusting to my new life without you. I recently enjoyed walking on the wild side with a sassy pair of flats but I do miss you every once in a while. I miss you at parties. I miss you at the ballet. I miss you in the evening most of all. But I am resolute. I know what’s best for me and that is for me to live without you.
So in the future, when I see you I will try to remember the happy days and nights we spent together. I will cherish the memories of dancing the night away with you and walking all over the city with you. I will also remind myself that now I am able to run away from danger and run towards the good things in life. I wasn’t able to run like that when you were in my life.
So goodbye, high heels. It was wild fun for many years but I know you are not right for me. You have no sole. You really are such a heel.
All the best,
Flip Flop
photo credit: Stilettos via photopin (license)
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