It ain’t easy being a lady on the Internet.
Blogger Chelsea Woolley created a video, posted on her Tumblr page, that features six men between the ages of 18 and 25 reading increasingly disturbing tweets directed at women. At first the men laugh at the ridiculous tweets, but as they continue to read the vulgar and sometimes violent messages about women their reactions become increasingly somber.
The tweets include messages of fat-shaming, slut-shaming and violence. “This chubby girl sent me a Snapchat of her ass and said ‘Squats are a girl’s best friend.’ Bitch, you know pizza and Netflix are your best friends,” one young man in the video reads. Another tweet reads: “I just found out that a girl I know gets passed around at parties like a hacky sack #whore.”
This type of online harassment has made headlines a lot this past year with feminist video gamer Anita Sarkeesian receiving rape threats, death threats and even bomb threats for speaking out about sexism in the gaming industry.
Actress Ashley Judd also recently faced online misogyny after tweeting about March Madness. In an essay for Mic, Judd summed up how widespread an issue online sexism is: “What happened to me is the devastating social norm experienced by millions of girls and women on the Internet,” she wrote. “Online harassers use the slightest excuse (or no excuse at all) to dismember our personhood. My tweet was simply the convenient delivery system for a rage toward women that lurks perpetually.”
Women can use every ally we can get. So men, please take note.
Watch the full video above.