These Feminist Cartoons Are The Perfect Antidote To Sexist Internet Garbage


It’s hard to last an entire day on the internet without encountering a headline like “21 Ways to Blow His Mind in Bed” or “The Trends Men Really Hate” or perhaps “What is Your Actual Body Type?” Not to be overdramatic, but IT’S ENOUGH ALREADY. No one should ever give their lover a “Randy Rub-a-Dub-Dub” before getting it on.

But we digress.

UK based cartoonist and illustrator Gemma Correll has turned these all too aggravating moments into inspiration for her hilarious feminist comics. In the same vein as comediennes like Megan Amram and the ladies of Reductress, Correll pokes fun at the topics that the general public seems to think women want to read over and over and over again.

I have always enjoyed drawing,” Correll said in an interview with Milk Tooth Rain. “When I was very young, I started making my own ‘books’ where I’d write and illustrate a story in old notebooks that I found. I also made my own comics at primary school. I would draw them and then photocopy them. I’d spend my pocket money buying ‘Penny sweets’ (sweets that cost 1p each) and sellotape them to the front cover of the comic. Then I sold the comics at school for 20p each.”

Now a full-time professional illustrator, she’s come a long way.

Correll also, we’ve gleaned, has a thing for cats, pugs and puns. All of which makes her clever cartoons an absolute delight, no matter the subject matter. To all those aspiring illustrators out there, we’ll leave you with this nugget of wisdom from the artist herself: “Don’t worry too much about being neat and tidy, that’s the point of a doodle. Relax and draw whatever comes into your head.”

See more of her work below and let us know your thoughts in the comments.