Lucy Hale Hoards Beauty Products (and Other Reasons Why She’s Just Like Us–Squeal)

We’ve long known that Lucy Hale is the coolest person ever. In fact, our girl crush is so huge, that we asked the Pretty Little Liars star, who’s the gorgeous face of Avon’s mark. brand, to guest edit our spring beauty special, in this week’s issue of PEOPLE. Not only did Hale spill some of her beauty sins (she bites her nails!) but she talked about chopping off several inches of hair. “It was my security blanket,” but now, “I can’t imagine having [it] long, it’s pretty bizarre,” says the TV star, who didn’t have a grand plan when she cut a chin length bob (Hale has since gone even shorter), telling her hairstylist, “do whatever you think will look good.” Check out five more things we learned that made it hard to resist ending our chat with, “will you be our BFF?”

mark. brand ambassador Lucy HaleRob Loud

Taking risks on her hair is just the beginning…
“I’m still coming out of my shell, but I’ve been playing up my lips with weird colors, which has been fun. At this years American Music Awards I went kind of gothic, which is new for me, and I did this really dark plum lip, and it turned out really cool! As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become more comfortable with myself and trying new things.”

And she’s way up on beauty trends, even if they slightly terrify her
“I saw a runway look of this really cool electric baby blue eye, but I’m sort of scared of blue eye shadow. It takes me back to when I was 11 or 10 years old and was had the frosty blue eye shadow phase and it looked terrible, but maybe I’ll try it.”

She has a strict skin care regimen
“I struggled with my skin growing up and am finally at the point where I feel comfortable going out without any makeup on. I try to get weekly facials and that keeps things sort of in check. I found that works for me, and never going to bed with makeup on. Sometimes it’s late and I don’t want to, but I always force myself because I will without a doubt always break out if I go to bed with makeup on.”

Her makeup routine is easy as 1, 2, 3
“I love makeup, but the amount that I actually use is very little. I’ll put on a tinted moisturizer, mascara, some color like the Touch & Glow and that’s pretty much it. My routine is pretty simple it makes my life a lot easier. Because I used to spend hours getting ready and now it only takes 20 minutes which is great.”

But that doesn’t mean she isn’t a beauty junkie
“I’m a beauty product hoarder. Even though I told you I very little, I’m the girl that will go into Target or Sephora or wherever, and I will feel like I need everything in that store. And I’ll get it all! It’s all well organized, and it’s fun to look at, it’s pretty and all my friends want to come over and use my makeup which is great, but I don’t really utilize about 90 percent of it.”

mark. makeup artst Kelsey Deenihan and Lucy HaleRob Loud

Is your makeup routine as streamlined as Lucy’s? Tell us in the comments below

For more from Hale, pick up the 4/27 issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands now.

–Jackie Fields