Getting Naked In 3D

He’ll be the second ‘High School Musical’ star the public will see naked, but he’ll be the first to do it in 3D.

The former Disney channel regular, told Us Weekly, he “will be naked in 3D” for his role in the 2012 film “Nurse 3D” about a woman who lures cheating men to their deaths.

Well, you won’t get to see everything. The 22-year-old told the magazine he won’t be going full frontal, “but you see my rear end,” he said.

The actor, who has a number of more mature roles in several upcoming films, said he wasn’t nervous about flashing his behind on screen, adding, “It’s tasteful. It’s done well.”

In “Nurse” Bleu stars alongside Paz de la Huerta, Judd Nelson, and “30 Rock’s” Katrina Bowden — with whom he has a racy sex scene.

But it wasn’t all fun and sexy scenes — getting naked on camera in 3D means making sure you are really showing off your best side.

Bleu told Us Weekly, his trainer worked him “like a dog” and totally cut out the carbs to get him ready in every dimension.