Lead Singer Steven Page Leaves Barenaked Ladies

Steven PageHOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Lead singer Steven Page is no longer a member of Barenaked Ladies.

According to a statement posted on the band’s Web site, Page is leaving the band to pursue “solo projects” and “theatrical opportunities.”

“These guys are my brothers. We’ve grown up together over the past twenty years. I love them and wish them all the best in the future,” the 38-year-old Page said in a statement.

The news comes after Page, his girlfriend and her roommate were arrested on drug charges last July in New York. In October, the trio reached a deal to have the charges dropped if they stayed out of trouble for six months.

The Canadian rockers formed in 1988 and are best known for such songs as If I Had $1,000,000″ and “Brian Wilson.”

The remaining band members — Jim Creeggan, Kevin Hearn, Ed Robertson and Tyler Stewart — say they will continue to record new music, with plans to return to the studio in April. They also plan to hit the road in the fall for a tour.

“It’s the start of a new chapter for all of us,” said Robertson. “Here’s to the future!”