Pink and Carey Hart Marriage Headed For Divorce

Pink and Carey Hart, pictures, picture, photos, photo, pics, pic, images, image, hot, sexy, latest, newHOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Pink and Carey Hart are ending their marriage after two years, People magazine has confirmed

“Pink and Carey Hart have separated,” Michele Schweitzer, the pop singer’s publicist, tells People. “This decision was made by best friends with a huge amount of love and respect for one another.

“While the marriage is over, their friendship has never been stronger,” she added.

The couple first met at the 2001 X Games. The 28-year-old singer later proposed to the 32-year-old motocross star in 2005 by asking him to marry her during one of his races in Mammoth Lakes, Calif., holding up a sign with “Will you marry me?” on it.

They married in Costa Rica on Jan. 7, 2006 in a sunset ceremony.