"Crystal Ball Photos" and Crystal Ball Pictures" become Google trends.
Congressional candidate Krystal Ball is furious after some racy private photos of her were leaked online.
The suggestive photos, taken of Ball and her ex-husband at a costume party about six years ago, hit the Web on Wednesday. They were posted by Republican bloggers and immediately spread.
In a message on her Facebook page, Ball condemned the act as a "sexist smear campaign."
“I’m a wife, mother, a CPA and a small business owner," she said. "When I stepped up to run for this seat, I knew that our politics had deteriorated to viciousness. Like most Americans, I want to serve my country and help make the future better for children and families around the first district of Virginia and the United States. We have been begging my opponent to debate for months and he’s been ducking. Yesterday, we started our first radio ads calling my opponent out for not debating the issues. His campaign called our local radio stations and tried to find out the size of our ad buy. A few hours later, this smear campaign started against me, posted by a blogger with close ties to my opponent’s campaign and the local Republican party. Hours after the damage had been done and these private photos leaked to the world, my opponent issued a press release denying he had anything to do with this.
“These photos are of me and my ex-husband at a holiday costume party. They are around six years old, when I was about 22. Of course, I am embarrassed by these photos, that was the whole point of these political operatives when they put them up. But more than just embarrassed, I’m angry!. I’m angry that when we are suffering from high unemployment, record budget deficits and a broken education system, that crass political operatives will resort to the politics of personal destruction when they can’t talk about the issues. This is not a way to conduct a political campaign and the people of the first district of Virginia and of the United States are disgusted by these kinds of tactics. It’s sexist and it’s wrong, regardless of political party. And I have a message for any young woman who is thinking about running for office and has ever attended a costume party with her husband or done anything stupid on camera. Run for office. Fight for this country. Don’t let this sort of tactic deter you. Good people, people of conscience, will come to your aid and you should trust in the basic fairness of the American people. Run for office. We need you.”
Ball is a Democratic nominee for U.S. Congress in Virginia’s First District.
Click here to see the controversial photos of Krystal Ball.