5 Timeless Life Lessons From ‘I Love Lucy’

Lucille Ball was born on this day in 1911, and though we lost her long ago, her legacy as America’s favorite redhead lives on through the timeless classic, “I Love Lucy.” People of all generations still enjoy Lucy’s antics as much as they did over 60 years ago when the show first premiered.

We can always count on Lucy to make us laugh, but the show taught us some memorable life lessons as well. We reminisced about the show with our Facebook fans about what we learned from Lucy.

1. Never give up on your dreams.

Not one to be confined to her status as a housewife, there was nothing Lucy wouldn’t do to get what she wanted, whether it was scheming her way onto Ricky’s performances at the Tropicana, finding a job to make an extra buck, or learning French to dine at the fanciest restaurant. Lucy’s confidence and persistence were purely inspiring. She never let anything get her down — even if she’d had a little too much Vitameatavegamin.

“It’s not succeeding, it’s trying that counts,” said reader Bernadine Morgan. We couldn’t agree more.

2. Funny trumps pretty, any day.

Sure, Lucy had her looks going for her. Lucille Ball actually started her career as a fashion model, and with her porcelain skin, long legs, and that unforgettable hair, it’s no surprise. But it’s not her looks we remember her for. Lucy was one of the first female comedians to gain popularity, reminding us that women are far more than just pretty faces.

“Smart, beautiful women can be funny too,” said Carol Park.

3. A best friend is simply priceless.

Like Batman has Robin, like Sherlock has Watson, everyone needs a a sidekick. Yes, a good friend will be there to catch you when you fall, but a great friend will be right there, falling with you. Ethel and Lucy’s friendship is one all women wish they had. From enrolling in charm school together to get their feminine wiles back, to teaming up to prove their husbands wrong, no task was too big for the dynamic duo — and their shenanigans were guaranteed to flop spectacularly. It only made us love them even more.

“Friends are your most important asset!” said reader Kathy Birkett. “They enrich your life everyday as Lucy and Ethel show us on each show! Through thick and thin, joy and tears, they all stuck together!”

4. Laughter is the best medicine.

OK, maybe this is one lesson we learned at Lucy’s expense. “I Love Lucy” never fails to cheer us up… and her antics, though ridiculous, are strangely relatable.

“So many times my life is like the scene where Lucy can’t keep up with the assembly line at the candy factory. Comparing my situation to her makes me laugh and see things in perspective,” said Margaret Venning Butler.

5. Be yourself.

We loved Lucy no matter what sort of trouble she got herself into, but if there’s one thing she can teach us, it’s that no good ever comes from pretending to be someone you’re not. Literally. Like the time when Lucy dresses up like Superman, only to be shown up by the real deal. Or when Lucy’s feigned illness ends up scaring her more than anyone else. Or the time when she pretends to be Ricky’s agent and accidentally gets him released from his movie contract. Lucy, you got some ‘splainin to do.