7 Reasons To Bring Back Thank You Notes

With virtually all communication shifting to email, text and maybe — just maybe — phone calls, the thank-you note has become a rarity. (Even rarer: Actual letters, but that’s another rant for another time.) You might get them from a newly married couple in honor of your gift, you might not, but we think there are many reasons to bring these back from the brink of extinction.

First, let’s examine your excuses for not sending these in the first place.

“I’m too busy.” Really? If you have time to Instagram your dinner, make a snarky comment on Twitter or upload yet another photo album to Facebook, you have enough time to write out “Thank you” on a card and pop it in the mail.

“I don’t know what to say.” Well, here you go. This template works for any situation, just fill in the appropriate blanks. You can customize it even further, of course.

Dear [person who did something nice for you],

Thank you so much for the [specific gift, kind gesture, etc.]. I really appreciate it because of [specific reason].

[Your name here]

You weren’t trained to do so in the first place. The brilliant Ann Brenoff makes this point — if you don’t force a kid to write a thank you note, they won’t do it. We give children a pass because, hey, they are children. If you’re an adult, you don’t get to use this excuse.

You’re rude. It’s purely anecdotal, but I’ve found that the same people who argue against sending a thank you note are the same people who argue against tipping. They argue against nice gestures that make other people with the fervency and flourish of William F. Buckley. Who takes time from their life to argue FOR rudeness?

Now that we’ve sorted that out, here are 7 reasons to bring you over to the more polite side of life.