If you’re like us, you’ve suddenly realized two things: Halloween is just days away, and you’ve been too busy wasting your life away on the Internet to figure out a costume.
Maybe you were checking Instagram, or Snapchat, or reading about Yo’s new features. But whatever your Internet kick, why not use it to your advantage and create a fun, topical, kick-ass, party-impressing costume?
Since we were in that exact boat, we decided to create a guide to eight easy, tech-inspired costume ideas that only take a few minutes to make. Enjoy.
How to pull it off: Tape the word “Yo” to a purple shirt. Wearing purple yoga pants is also strongly encouraged. Say “yo” a lot to people and always go for the high-five.
How to pull it off: Tape “like” and “dislike” icons to your outfit. Swipe right to increase your odds of a match on Friday.
How to pull it off: Find a colored acetate sheet, which is usually available at your local art supply store, and print out some Instagram icons (available on Google Image Search, duh). Show how wonderful your life is throughout the night.
Apple Watch
How to pull it off: Tape an apple to your wrist. Act smug.
Grumpy Cat
How to pull it off: Put on a cat nose and ears. Frown and act grumpy.
Ice bucket challenge
How to pull it off: Fill a bucket with packing peanuts. Cut holes in a see-through trash bag and put it on to simulate water. Be annoyingly competitive and attention-seeking.
How to pull it off: Take a sheet and cut eye holes into it. Do a weird little dance when you arrive, then disappear.
How to pull it off: Wrap some stuffing material — Halloween spider web material works well — around your head and cover it with hundreds of celebrity photos. Shrug when the photos fall out of the cloud.